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Remain True To Yourself

This world is going to throw many challenges your way, but the one thing you should always do is be yourself. Don't change who you are just to please others. People are going to try to put a label on you know matter what.

Life is all about being happy and part of that happiness is being happy with who you are. Every single person in this world is unique and has their own personality. Imagine how boring it would be if we all were the same.

Not everyone is going to like you no matter how hard you try. There are going to be people that don't like you because of the way you look, how you talk, where your from, and the list could go on and on.

Just know your true friends and family love you because your you. They love every unique thing about you. They are the ones that can overlook your faults and always see the good. No one is perfect, so don't waste another minute trying to be. Life is to short to spend it worrying about what other people think. Enjoy your life after all you only have one to live!

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